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Perception and Computation

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Artificial Psychology: A New Research Line in Psychological Research
Dr. Hojjatollah Farahani
Dr. Peter Watson
Dr. Parviz Azadfallah
Dr. Marija Blagojević
Mrs. Sara Saljoughi
Dr. Forogh Esrafilian
Bridging subjective probability and probability responses: the Quantum Sequential Sampler
Mr. Adam Huang
Dr. Jerome Busemeyer
Prof. Emmanuel Pothos
Toward the adaptive design of General Recognition Theory experiments: A control study
Joe Glavan
Prof. Joe Houpt
Paul Havig
Fairul Mohd-Zaid
Murray Bennett
Ying-yu Chen
Dr. Elizabeth Fox
Face shape information used to classify identity and expression is highly precise, flexible and context-specific
Emily Martin
Mr. Jason Hays
Fabian Soto
Modelling the Mental Representation of Numerosity Perception based on a Logarithmic Function
Asli Bahar Inan
Asli Kilic